Politics London nick ferrari susan hall

Susan Hall took listeners’ questions on the Nick Ferrari Show and it went as well as you’d expect

Since her selection last July as the Conservative candidate for the London Mayoral election, Susan Hall has trended on Twitter/X on several occasions, and none of them were for a positive reason.

Just some of her outstanding moments have included –

Claiming she would be the first female Labour Mayor of London.

Suggesting that the Jewish community is frightened by Sadiq Khan.

Alleging that the Government can’t trust Sadiq Khan because he leaks confidential information.

Insisting that she had been pickpocketed on the Underground, when she had actually just dropped her wallet.

To add to that list, she appeared on Nick Ferrari‘s LBC show to answer listeners’ questions. It did not go well.

To recap –

She thinks two councils own Hammersmith Bridge because it’s owned by Hammersmith & Fulham Council.

She hasn’t a Scooby how much it is to catch a bus.

She doesn’t know how much a police officer earns – but she’s promising to deliver more of them despite insisting that ‘You should not promise anything unless you know where the money is coming from.’

That was a nice round-up of what she doesn’t know. One day, in the distant future, we might find out something she does know. Don’t hold your breath.












We’re just waiting for the news that she bought this.

You can watch the full car crash segment here, if you have 22 minutes and a morbid curiosity.


Tory mayoral hopeful Susan Hall thinks she was ‘pickpocketed’ and it’s the most hatstand tale you’ll hear this year

Source LBC Image Screengrab